Monday, March 7, 2011

Reverse Parking - Head In or Butt In

Most of the car park lots in Singapore, and probably most countries are "Reverse Parking" type.

So, why is Reverse Parking called "Reverse Parking"? Why not "Forward Parking"?

Majority of Singaporean car drivers will "reverse" in (i.e. butt in first) their car when parking in Reverse Parking Lot. I'm one of them.

Now, I wonder why there are still drivers insisting in going "head in".

The problem comes when you are driving out of the car park lot.
You have to give way to traffic when driving out of the lot.
So now, do you prefer to "reverse out" or "drive straight out"?
Reversing out of the car park and giving way to traffic is definitely a pain and accident prone.

On the other hand, traffic have to give way to you when you are doing your parking. So, why not leaving the difficult part of "Reverse" to parking in, and not driving out?

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