Friday, May 31, 2013

My MP3 Sound Quality

I just can't go back to 128kbps coded mp3.
192kbps is a good compromise between quality and file size.
With my above-average earphones, it really makes a difference in terms of sound quality.

If only my iPhone comes with 1 TB space....

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Macro Lens Photography

I came across this "Macro + Wide Angle" lens for mobile phones few weeks ago and bought it to have some fun with macro photography.

The one I bought is this "clip-on" type that can be used by simply clipping it over the edge of the phone with the lens aligned to the phone's lens.

Today I've taken some close-up pictures with the macro lens and I will show them beside their respective original photo taken without the lens.

There's also the Wide-Angle lens that comes with the package and I touch on that at a later time.

These pictures were taken indoor at night under florescent lighting, which explains the poor photo quality.
But still, the macro effect is apparent.