I've the iPhone 5 for roughly 3 weeks now.
Here's a breakdown of the things I do on it... Graphically.
As can be seen from the chart, I use the iPhone a lot for Music, Gaming and Apps.
- Music: because of iPhone's great sound quality. (with a music app that provides customised graphic equalizer)
- Gaming: because the graphic chip in iPhone 5 has significantly improved over its predecessor, iPhone 4's (which itself is already awesome)
- Apps: because I still prefer iOS's intuitive touches(pun not intended) to apps functionalities such as "Badge Notification", "Swipe to Delete", "Status Bar Tap to Top of Page", etc.
One thing to note is the low percentage for net browsing.
I generally don't use the iPhone much for surfing net. One of the reasons why a bigger size screen is not necessary for me.
Next, here's the breakdown for the Social Networking app usage for me.
Google+ is slowly taking over my social networking life because of the great community there and the quality of the mobile and PC app for Google+.
And yes, the iPhone 5 is taking over my life ... slowly but surely ...